EuroPython 2018

EuroPython Women's Django Workshop

If you are a woman and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you: we are holding a one-day workshop for beginners!

The first Django Girls workshop was held at EuroPython 2014. Since then we've sponsored a Django Girls workshop every year, by providing free rooms, catering and discounted or free tickets to workshop participants and trainers.

This year, we're not running an official Django Girls workshop (we were too late applying, and that's our fault), but will still be following the same amazing formula as best we can. It will be held on Monday, July 23th in the EuroPython 2018 conference venue EICC from 9:30am-5pm.

What to expect

We'll be following the Django Girls tutorial -- an awesome tutorial that leads you through building your own blog from scratch! All you need is a working laptop, and we'll help you with the rest. You'll have a coach assigned to you - they may be someone who learned Django using the same tutorial.

On the day, you'll work through the tutorial with help from your coach. We'll interrupt you regularly with short motivational talks and snacks - you'll be working hard so you'll need them!

Registering for the workshop

The workshop is open to any woman who would like to attend! It's aimed at women with little or no programming experience, but may also be useful if you've learned a different discipline (like data science) and would like to learn how to build websites with Django.

The workshop is free to attend, but you have to apply and be accepted. We only have 30 seats available for the workshop, and we'll pick the best applicants based on the information you provide on the form here: Django Girls tutorial

If you'd like to attend: Apply Here

Workshop coaches

We can't run this workshop without coaches! A coach will be assigned to each group of 3 attendees. Their job is to support and encourage their team as they work through the DjangoGirls tutorial at their own pace.

You'll have the extremely fun and rewarding experience of helping your team take their first steps in Python and Django. If you'd like to apply to be a coach, please sign up here.

Sponsors of EuroPython Women's Django Workshop


The EuroPython Society is providing the room and catering in the conference venue and making available up to 30 discounted student rate conference tickets to the workshop attendees.